An increasing innovation competition of companies requires an innovative future workforce in almost all work contexts. Prioritizing innovation today is the key to unlocking growth. However, are we ready for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship education in European Universities?
Provided that a large part of the European gross income is generated by SME and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial competences become increasingly important in European societies and economies. However, the acquisition and validation of competences related to entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation (be it to found start-ups and enterprises, to generate ideas and processes as intrapreneurs or just to contribute to innovation) has not yet been thoroughly integrated in European Higher Education Institutions (HEI), neither in curricula nor traineeship programmes.
If “Entrepreneurship and Sense of Initiative” are perceived as a cross-cutting “key competence” like promoted by the Commission in 2006 and updated in 2018 in the skills agenda, the HEI should introduce them in a cross-cutting modular way and not just related to specific study domains like economics.
The PITCH project offers approaches, learning methods and content with respect to both innovative action and entrepreneurial competence development.